Setting up the development environment, writing the smart contracts (programs), deploying on Solana’s testnet, and integrating the front-end.
Here's the full process:
Step 1: Set Up Development Environment
1.1 Install Rust and Solana CLI
To start, we need Rust (for writing Solana programs) and the Solana CLI (for interacting with the Solana blockchain).
Install Rust
Run the following command to install Rust:
Copy curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
Add the nightly toolchain for Anchor (since it often requires a nightly version of Rust):
Copy rustup default stable
rustup update
rustup install nightly
Install Solana CLI
Install the Solana CLI using this command:
Copy sh -c "$( curl -sSfL )"
Confirm installation with:
Set Solana to Devnet
We'll use the Devnet for testing:
Copy solana config set --url
1.2 Install Anchor Framework
Anchor is a framework for developing smart contracts on Solana.
Install Anchor using npm:
Copy npm install -g @project-serum/anchor-cli
Confirm the installation with:
1.3 Set Up Your Project Directory
Now, create a new project directory with Anchor:
Copy anchor init solana-marketplace
cd solana-marketplace
This initializes a basic Anchor project structure.
Step 2: Write and Deploy Smart Contracts (Solana Programs)
2.1 Define the Smart Contract Logic
Start by writing the core programs: review submission , token incentive system , and voting mechanism .
Navigate to the programs/solana-marketplace/src/
An example of a review submission contract :
Copy use anchor_lang :: prelude ::* ;
declare_id! ( "YOUR_PROGRAM_ID" );
pub mod solana_marketplace {
use super ::* ;
// Submit a review
pub fn submit_review (ctx : Context < SubmitReview >, review_text : String , rating : u8 ) -> Result <()> {
let review = &mut ctx . accounts . review;
review . reviewer = * ctx . accounts . user . key;
review . business = * ctx . accounts . business . key;
review . review_text = review_text;
review . rating = rating;
review . timestamp = Clock :: get () ?. unix_timestamp;
Ok (())
// Define the Review struct
pub struct Review {
pub reviewer : Pubkey ,
pub business : Pubkey ,
pub review_text : String ,
pub rating : u8 ,
pub timestamp : i64 ,
#[derive( Accounts )]
pub struct SubmitReview <' info > {
#[account(init, payer = user, space = 8 + Review :: LEN )]
pub review : Account <' info , Review >,
#[account( mut )]
pub user : Signer <' info >,
#[account( mut )]
pub business : AccountInfo <' info >,
pub system_program : Program <' info , System >,
impl Review {
const LEN : usize = 32 + 32 + 255 + 1 + 8 ;
2.2 Build and Test Your Program
Compile the smart contracts:
This command compiles the Rust code into a Solana program.
2.3 Deploy the Program to Devnet
To deploy your program to the Solana Devnet:
First, make sure you have some Devnet SOL to pay for deployment:
Deploy your Anchor program:
Take note of the Program ID returned after deployment. Wel need this for interactions in our front-end.
Step 3: Set Up the Front-End (React with Solana Wallet Integration)
3.1 Initialize the React Project
In a separate directory, initialize a React project using:
Copy npx create-react-app solana-marketplace-frontend
cd solana-marketplace-frontend
3.2 Install Solana Web3 and Wallet Adapter
Install the Solana libraries to interact with Solana programs from the front-end:
Copy npm install @solana/web3.js @solana/wallet-adapter-react @solana/wallet-adapter-react-ui @solana/wallet-adapter-wallets @solana/wallet-adapter-phantom
3.3 Connect Wallet in React
Update our React app to integrate Phantom Wallet for transactions and interactions. Here’s an example setup in App.js
Copy import React , { useMemo } from 'react' ;
import {
ConnectionProvider ,
} from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react' ;
import {
} from '@solana/wallet-adapter-wallets' ;
import { WalletModalProvider , WalletMultiButton } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react-ui' ;
import { clusterApiUrl } from '@solana/web3.js' ;
require ( '@solana/wallet-adapter-react-ui/styles.css' );
function App () {
const network = clusterApiUrl ( 'devnet' );
const wallets = useMemo (() => [ new PhantomWalletAdapter ()] , []);
return (
< ConnectionProvider endpoint = {network}>
< WalletProvider wallets = {wallets} autoConnect >
< WalletModalProvider >
< div >
< h1 >Solana Marketplace</ h1 >
< WalletMultiButton />
</ div >
</ WalletModalProvider >
</ WalletProvider >
</ ConnectionProvider >
export default App;
3.4 Connect Front-End to Your Deployed Program
Interactering with the deployed program from the front-end. First, we install the Anchor client for JavaScript:
Copy npm install @project-serum/anchor
Add the following to interact with your smart contract:
Copy import { Connection , PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js' ;
import { Program , Provider , web3 } from '@project-serum/anchor' ;
const programId = new PublicKey ( "YOUR_PROGRAM_ID" ); // Replace with your program ID
const network = clusterApiUrl ( 'devnet' );
const opts = { preflightCommitment : "processed" };
async function getProvider () {
const connection = new Connection (network , opts .preflightCommitment);
const provider = new Provider (connection , window .solana , opts .preflightCommitment);
return provider;
async function submitReview (reviewText , rating , businessPublicKey) {
const provider = await getProvider ();
const program = new Program (idl , programId , provider);
try {
await program . rpc .submitReview (reviewText , rating , {
accounts : {
review : web3 . Keypair .generate ().publicKey ,
user : provider . wallet .publicKey ,
business : businessPublicKey ,
systemProgram : web3 . SystemProgram .programId ,
console .log ( 'Review submitted' );
} catch (err) {
console .error ( 'Error submitting review:' , err);
This function allows us to call the submitReview method of your smart contract and pass in parameters such as the review text, rating, and business public key.
Step 4: Test and Deploy the MVP
4.1 Testing the Application
Wallet Connection:
Open the React app and connect your Phantom wallet.
Submit Review:
Call the submitReview
function to submit reviews tied to real on-chain transactions.
Deploy to Devnet:
Test the full flow on Solana's Devnet to ensure all interactions work as expected (i.e., submitting reviews, voting, rewarding tokens).
4.2 Mainnet Deployment (When Ready)
Once we have thoroughly tested the application on Devnet, we can deploy the contract to Solana Mainnet :
Copy solana config set --url
anchor deploy
Last updated 3 months ago